D-5 Agarose is a linear polymer with a very high molecular weight, giving gel structures unlike those of traditional agaroses. This characteristic, added to the very low sulfate content, produces an strong intercatenary interaction, yielding a gel with very high gel strength and higher exclusion limit.
500 g
D-5 Agarose is a linear polymer with a very high molecular weight, giving gel structures unlike those of traditional agaroses. This characteristic, added to the very low sulfate content, produces an strong intercatenary interaction, yielding a gel with very high gel strength and higher exclusion limit.
- Extremely high gel strength allowing for lower gel concentrations (0.3%), enabling it to be used not only with high molecular weight nucleic acids, including chromosomes, but also with large sized particles like viruses and ribosomes.
- High electrophoretic mobility. DNA mobility is greater when compared with D-1LE. Electrophoresis times are reduced depending upon buffer and agarose concentration used.
- Easy preparation of the gel by simple dissolution in aqueous buffers either by standard boiling or microwaving.
- Greater thermal stability due to high hysteresis (difference between gelling and melting temperatures).
- Exceptionally low absorption of staining agents.
- Absence of toxicity (the alternative is polyacrylamide which can be toxic).
- Conventional Electrophoresis: can be used in a wide range of concentrations.
- Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis: because of its higher exclusion limit, larger molecules can be separated.
- Blotting.
- Agarose Beads preparation.
- Cell and enzyme immobilization.
Specifications and Functional
Tests D-5 Moisture ≤ 7%
Ash ≤ 0.25%
EEO* ≤ 0.12
Sulfate ≤ 0.12%
Clarity 1.5%
(NTU) ≤ 4
Gel Strength 1% (g/cm2) ≥ 1800
Gel Strength 1.5% (g/cm2) ≥ 3200
Gelling Temperature 1.5% (°C) 36±1.5
Melting Temperature 1.5% (°C) 88±1.5
DNAse/RNAse activity None detected
DNA resolution ≥1000 bp Finely resolved
Gel background Very low
*EEO (electroendosmosis)