MS12 AGAROSE - DNA Resolution <1500 b.p.
MS12 AGAROSE (250 g)
Cat nº 8068
This molecular screening agarose is designed to have a larger
gel network than MS-8 and is recommended for the separation of DNA fragments
smaller than 1500 bp.
250 g
This molecular screening agarose is designed to have a larger gel network than MS-8 and is recommended for the separation of DNA fragments smaller than 1500 bp. Gels made with MS-12 have higher gel strength than competitive products. The gel is exceptionally firm but still flexible when handled, minimizing the danger of cracking or breaking.
MS-12 has the same melting and gelling temperature as regular agaroses, allowing faster and easier preparation of gels. MS-12 also gives excellent resolution at concentrations of ≤1 %. This agarose is recommended for all analytical applications, especially when DNA is recovered for subsequent use in enzymatic procedures.
Functional Tests
- DNA resolution: bands appear sharp and finely resolved.
- DNAse/RNAse activity: none detected.
- Gel background: very low after Et.Br. staining.
- Blotting: very good transference for DNA fragments 154 – 2176 bp in 4 % gels.
- DNA binding: very low.
- Moisture ≤ 7%
- Ash ≤ 0.35%
- EEO* ≤ 0.12
- Sulfate ≤ 0.11%