MS4 AGAROSE - DNA Resolution <500 b.p.
MS4 AGAROSE (250 g)
Cat nº 8076
A molecular screening agarose for improved resolution of DNA
fragments with 500 bp or less, especially sized– primer fragments.
250 g
A molecular screening agarose for improved resolution of DNA fragments with 500 bp or less, especially sized–primer fragments. MS-4 is a type of agarose unique to CONDA. At 3 % concentration, MS-4 Agarose gives a resolution of DNA fragments similar to gels made with polyacrylamide at concentrations of 8 %.
While MS-4 may be dissolved carefully by microwaving, gels are best prepared by autoclaving.
- Excellent resolution of DNA fragments lower than 500 bp, specially smaller sized–primer fragments.
- Forms a very clear, transparent gel, even at concentrations of 5% or higher.
- Efficient mechanical handling at all concentrations. The chances of gel breaking or cracking when handled are greatly minimized.
Functional Tests
- DNA resolution: bands appear sharp and finely resolved.
- DNAse/RNAse activity: none detected.
- Gel background: very low after Et.Br. staining.
- DNA binding: very low.
MS-4 3 % 5 %
Moisture ≤ 7%
Ash ≤ 0.3%
EEO* ≤ 0.12
Sulfate ≤ 0.11%
*EEO (electroendosmosis)